A stroke, often referred to as a "brain attack," is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Every year, millions of people worldwide suffer from strokes. Knowing the warning signs and recognizing the early symptoms of a stroke is crucial for saving a life. In this blog, you will take a look at the main signs of a stroke, as noted by the American Stroke Association.
The FAST acronym. This is a simple tool for identifying stroke symptoms:
F - Face drooping: This is when one side of the face droops or feels numb. Ask the person to smile, and check if their smile is uneven.
A - Arm weakness: This is a numbness that may occur. It makes it hard to raise both arms evenly. If one arm drifts downward when raised, it could indicate a problem.
S - Speech difficulty: Speech may become slurred or difficult to understand. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. If they are not able to do so clearly this is a red flag.
T – Time: This means it is time to call 911. If you see any of these signs, it's crucial to call 911 immediately. Time is very important when it comes to stroke treatment. Rapid intervention can lower brain damage.
Other symptoms:
- Sudden numbness or weakness. This could be in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body.
- Confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech.
- Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
- Sudden severe headache.
- Trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance.
It's key to note that symptoms may vary depending on the type and location of the stroke. For example, ischemic stroke happens when a blood clot blocks an artery supplying blood to the brain. This may present differently from hemorrhagic strokes. Hemorrhagic strokes happen when a blood vessel in your brain ruptures or leaks.
It is important to know that strokes can affect individuals of any age. However, your risk increases with age. Although, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, lead a non-active lifestyle, or are a smoker your chances are higher.
However, strokes sadly can also occur for you even without any apparent risk factors. This is why being aware of the symptoms is critical for everyone.
If you or someone you know experiences symptoms suggestive of a stroke, please do not ignore them or delay seeking medical help. Time lost is brain function lost. The faster you seek treatment, the better your chances are of recovery. Emergency medical services can assess the situation, provide immediate care, and transport you or your loved one to the nearest hospital.
Visit Clinicas
Don’t forget to visit Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc., and prioritize regular check-ups with your Primary Care doctor. That way you can stay proactive about your health. Especially when managing other risk factors for strokes. Knowing the warning signs of a stroke and taking quick action can make a life-saving difference. Remember FAST and be aware of other potential symptoms. That way you can play a crucial role in helping yourself or others get medical attention. When it comes to strokes, every second counts.