It’s no secret that there is a huge risk of getting lung cancer if you are a smoker. However, it is also possible to get lung cancer without ever picking up a cigarette. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, about 10-20% of lung cancers each year happen to people who have never smoked. Along with people who have smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. In this blog, you will learn about a few things. You will take a look at the risk factors of lung cancer in non-smokers. As well as the symptoms and screening options, as recommended by the CDC and Yale Medicine. That way this cancer can be detected early. Which leads to improved outcomes for you.
Risk Factors for Non-Smokers
Lung cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers worldwide. It is no secret that smoking is the leading cause of this cancer. However, with 10-20% of people with lung cancer being non-smokers, you need to know the risks that could affect you. The following are risks for non-smokers:
- Secondhand Smoke: If you are exposed to secondhand smoke you are at risk. This could be within your own home. As well as in your workplace or any other location you frequent. If you are constantly exposed to smoke, your chances of getting lung cancer significantly increase. Even without exposing your lungs to cigarettes being around them can cause damage. The harmful chemicals that are in tobacco can damage your lung tissue.
- Radon: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It is found in both soil and rock. It does not smell like anything and can become trapped inside homes and buildings. Over time if you breathe in high levels of radon it can cause lung cancer. However, you can buy a radon test kit and test your home for this gas.
- Air Pollution: Pollution in the environment can affect your lungs. This can be asbestos and industrial chemicals. These factors can cause inflammation and damage to your lungs.
There is one big issue in catching lung cancer in non-smokers. This is the idea that you can only get lung cancer if you smoke. Due to this notion, some symptoms may be overlooked. Which means a delay in diagnosis and treatment. This is why it is vital for non-smokers to be aware of the common symptoms of lung cancer, which may include the following:
- Continual coughing
- Coughing up blood
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of appetite/weight loss
- Trouble swallowing
- Fatigue
- Recurrent lung infection
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to connect with your Primary Care provider. This is especially true if the symptoms are persistent and get worse over time. Finding lung cancer early can greatly improve your treatment outcomes. In addition to higher chances of successful recovery.
Visit Clinicas
Lung cancer in non-smokers is a big public health concern. This requires awareness of what can put you at risk and what the symptoms are. Whether you have never smoked or quit, your lung health matters. It is key to prioritize prevention and early detection. Take the first step in protecting your lungs by scheduling a visit at Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc. to see your Primary Care provider. Clinicas has a dedicated team of providers to help you maintain excellent health. Take control of your lung health today and join Clinicas in the fight against lung cancer.